From 12 to 16 years
De 12 a 16 anys
Boys and girls are at the stage of blossoming adolescence and therefore, they are immersed in a process of important changes, not only physical but also emotional and intellectual. Our commitment to accompaniment in all areas is the key to the development of our students.
Secondary school is a stage of growth where the school, together with the DOPP and with the participation of families, help and accompany students as long as they become responsible adults with firm beliefs. At the end of this stage, students have the necessary skills and abilities to continue their training, either by studying a baccalaureate, training cycles or entering the world of work.
During the secondary stage in Lleó XIII we work on:
In secondary school we work by projects where we promote learning in a transversal and autonomous way so that knowledge and different experiences are connected.
During this stage we introduce methodological changes within the classroom such as:
We are committed to the learning of foreign languages
At this stage we continue to bet on the learning of foreign languages, a sign of identity of our school. Our linguistic project includes Catalan as the vehicular language and the treatment of the curricular languages: English, French and Spanish following the guidelines of the Department of Education. The main objective for students is to finish ESO with a good oral and written competence in all these languages.
The webpage is open for the order from August 29 to September 4. After these dates, you cannot modify anything or order new orders.
Procediment per l’adquisició dels llibres de text i el material escolar que necessitaran els vostres fills/es el proper curs 2024-25.
Us recordem, tal com us vam informar a principis d'aquest curs, que l'equipació esportiva per tots els alumnes és obligatòria de cara al curs 2022-23.
Apunta les dates:
INFANTIL I PRIMÀRIA - Del 6 al 20 de març
SECUNDÀRIA - Del 8 al 20 de març
Between June 27 and July 29 and as in previous years it will be in ENGLISH.