Text books and school material 2023-24
Procediment per l’adquisició dels llibres de text i el material escolar que necessitaran els vostres fills/es el proper curs 2024-25.
If you have some questions about the procedure for the acquisition of the text books and school material your children are going to need for the new school year 2023-24 you may contact secretaria@lleoxiii.com
How to proceed with the order?
To order the order you must get onto the llibres text webpage https://gestio.llibrestext.com/pedidos
You will have access to another screen on which you must write the School’s code 256.
Select your children’s “Stage” and “Grade” and fill your personal information.
After this, a list of books for the Grade chosen will appear with all the information: Title, Publisher, ISBN and the final price, so you can choose the ones you need (some materials of digital licenses are going to appear marked because are given by the School). Once you have chosen the ones you need, you must make sure you have chosen the right ones so you can modify anything in case you need it before confirming the order and clicking on “Send order”.
The webpage is open for the order from July 10 to July 24.. After these dates, you cannot modify anything or order new orders.
You must pay using your credit card at the moment you are ordering the stuff. Once you have paid, you are going to receive a confirmation email. The books are going to be delivered to the students on their first day back to school.
Thinks to know:
You must order once per child. It is necessary for all students to purchase school-produced materials and digital licences during the book sale period.
The School applies a 5% discount on the text books and, in the case of Santillana text books, you get the digital license for free if you get them through the School.
IMPORTANT: defects or changes.
In case a book is defective or you must change it, you must contact the School. A change is going to be able when the book is perfect (no holes, marks, names or bad condition). We recommend you not to cover or write your child’s name until the teacher gives you the OK. The last day to make a change is going to be the 25th of September, 2023 and you must bring your order sheet. Once this date has passed, any change is not going to be possible.
Vegeu també
The webpage is open for the order from August 29 to September 4. After these dates, you cannot modify anything or order new orders.
Sports equipment
Us recordem, tal com us vam informar a principis d'aquest curs, que l'equipació esportiva per tots els alumnes és obligatòria de cara al curs 2022-23.
Pre-registration 2024-25 Course
Apunta les dates:
INFANTIL I PRIMÀRIA - Del 6 al 20 de març
SECUNDÀRIA - Del 8 al 20 de març
Summer Camp 2022
Between June 27 and July 29 and as in previous years it will be in ENGLISH.
![Escola Lleó XIII](https://lleoxiii.com/wp-content/uploads/Instalaciones-82-1120x747.jpg)
![Alumnes educació primària escola lleó xiii](https://lleoxiii.com/wp-content/uploads/Instalaciones-112-1120x747.jpg)
![Alumnes educació primària escola lleó xiii](https://lleoxiii.com/wp-content/uploads/Instalaciones-112-1120x747.jpg)
![Educació secundària Escola Lleó XIII](https://lleoxiii.com/wp-content/uploads/ESO-1120x747.jpg)
![Batxillerat Escola Lleó XIII](https://lleoxiii.com/wp-content/uploads/Instalaciones-142-1120x747.jpg)
![Instal·lacions Escola Lleó XIII](https://lleoxiii.com/wp-content/uploads/Instalaciones-55-1-1120x747.jpg)