Summer Camp 2022
Between June 27 and July 29 and as in previous years it will be in ENGLISH.
Once again we present our Summer Camp.
Our Summer Camp is a proposal that as every year gives preference to the students of Lleó XIII School but that is open to the whole neighborhood, family and friends with whom you want to share this initiative.
Dates and timetable:
The seventh edition of our Summer Camp will take place between June 27 and July 29 and as in previous years it will be in ENGLISH.
Hours: from 9am to 5pm. Reception from 8h30 (No stay)
This year’s age distribution will be:
- SUMMER CAMP KINDER for boys and girls of P3, P4 i P5
- SUMMER CAMP JUNIOR for boys and girls of courses between 1st and 6th grade of primary school.
Payment will be made by bank charge one week before the start of the
Summer Camp.
- For registrations of 3 weeks you can enjoy a 5% discount.
- For registrations of 4 weeks you can enjoy a 7.5% discount.
- For registrations of 5 weeks you can enjoy a 10% discount.
- Discount of 50 € on successive siblings who register from 3 weeks.
Registration period:
The registration period is from May 3 to June 6 through the form that you will find in the following link.
Informative sessions:
We also advance the dates of the INFORMATIVE SESSIONS:
- Thursday 26 May at 18h by TEAMS
- Thursday, June 16 at 5:30 p.m. IN PERSON
Further information:
Each group of the Summer Camp Kinder and Junior will do a minimum of 2/3 hours of English following the pedagogical model of our Light it Up school. The classes will be led by Marina Miranda, currently responsible for teaching private English lessons and level group preparation for the Cambridge exam.
This year we have the novelty of having María Moreno as the new director of the Summer Camp who, in addition to being a teacher at the school, is a person with extensive experience as a camp director who contributes with many initiatives and proposals that will surely make this Summer Camp a success full of fun and learning for your children.
Vegeu també

The webpage is open for the order from August 29 to September 4. After these dates, you cannot modify anything or order new orders.

Text books and school material 2023-24
Procediment per l’adquisició dels llibres de text i el material escolar que necessitaran els vostres fills/es el proper curs 2024-25.

Sports equipment
Us recordem, tal com us vam informar a principis d'aquest curs, que l'equipació esportiva per tots els alumnes és obligatòria de cara al curs 2022-23.

Pre-registration 2024-25 Course
Apunta les dates:
INFANTIL I PRIMÀRIA - Del 6 al 20 de març
SECUNDÀRIA - Del 8 al 20 de març