Primary Education

De 6 a 12 anys



The purpose of this stage is to consolidate the work by competences in order to develop personal capacities and social skills. In Primary we develop the tutorial action to contribute to the personal growth of the students.

Learning in Primary is based on the idea that the child does not learn in a fragmented way but globally from the situations of everyday life. The goal of education is the acquisition of the procedures to learn autonomously. For this reason, we work on projects taking into account individual and group situations, interests and differences according to the demands and needs of society and the ages of the students.


From 6 to 12 years


Morning: 9h to 13h Break-Dining room: 13h to 15h AFTERNOON: 15h to 17h


6 courses: from 1st to 6th


We work by projects and by competences.


50% Catalan, 20% Spanish and 30% English. Dining room in English

Educació Primària


The main objectives of this stage are:

  • Work by projects.
  • Promote the skills of learning to learn and teach to think, instruct students allowing them to be creators of their own learning.
  • Promote critical thinking and reflection.
  • Promote cooperative learning as well as certain values such as respect or tolerance, among others. Promote communication and social skills.
  • Encourage the participation of families.
  • Enhance personal autonomy and encourage learning strategies to solve problems.


During the Primary stage, we promote cooperative work in small and large groups, as well as improve the confidence of our students and we involve them in their learning process by making them absolute protagonists. Students play an active role in hypothesizing, seeking information and reflecting.

Learning foreign languages

Primary education is a key stage to consolidate the learning of languages and in particular English as well as Spanish. Almost a third of the school schedule in the classroom is taught by a native teacher in English and from 5th grade of Primary, we add a new foreign language: French.

At the end of this stage our students are among the most qualified according to the results of the proficiency tests for this language.


Attention to diversity

Each year we find more diversity in the classroom, which means every year the groups are more heterogeneous. Diversity is understood in our center as a factor of enrichment of personal relationships and learning, both for teachers and students.

From the  DOPP  we work with the aim of ensuring that all students achieve the same objectives through different ways of learning. As an inclusive school, we pay special attention to the treatment of diversity in the broadest sense of the term regarding the following aspects:

  • Learning disorders: Students with educational needs need different resources to be able to compensate these difficulties. To do this, individualized plans (PI) are developed where the necessary modifications are reflected so that the student learns the same contents as the rest of the classmates. From the  DOPP  we are in close contact with external professionals who are in charge of the diagnosis, so that this IP is as adjusted as possible to their needs. Students with  ADHD, dyslexia,  dyscalculia, high capacities…must always have the same opportunities as the others.



  • “New student”program: students of foreign origin who do not know the vehicular language (Catalan) are a challenge in Early Childhood and Primary Education. It must be borne in mind that students of these ages have been added a maturing factor, since they are developing their cognitive and linguistic structures. These students need support from the first moment of their arrival, and that is why an Individualized New student Plan is developed that guarantees the gradual introduction of the vehicular language, giving a personalized support focused on the learning of communication and alphabetic code.
  • Sensitive and committed pedagogy: when we talk about education we do not only refer to some subjects or knowledge that they must learn. There is a firm commitment to educate as a person, too. There are values that are part of our backbone: respect, effort, sharing, empathy, solidarity, honesty, companionship… It is taught to have a space to explain their conflicts with respect to the other, ensuring that they feel heard and cared for. In addition, dialogue and communication of emotions are encouraged to find a joint and agreed solution. It has been shown that, without a positive emotion, there is no learning, and therefore, our goal is for students to be happy at school.

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The webpage is open for the order from August 29 to September 4. After these dates, you cannot modify anything or order new orders.



Text books and school material 2023-24

Procediment per l’adquisició dels llibres de text i el material escolar que necessitaran els vostres fills/es el proper curs 2024-25.



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Pre-registration 2024-25 Course

Apunta les dates:
INFANTIL I PRIMÀRIA - Del 6 al 20 de març
SECUNDÀRIA - Del 8 al 20 de març
