From 1 to 5 years old
D'1 a 5 anys
Kindergarten and Preschool is a stage that lasts 5 years where children learn experientially through free movement, manipulation and experimentation thanks to the stimulation program for both cognitive physical learning as well as through corner places, projects and learning environments.
During this stage, the student develops the emotional intelligence and develops in an efficient way and full his competitions and capacities. Kindergarten and Preschool is an apprenticeship for life on its way to becoming responsible and critical citizens.
Our Language Project at this stage is 96%in English. In addition, we work with small groups with a maximum of 6, 10 or 15 students per class depending on the course to ensure our methodology.
Learning stimulation program.
This program is based on physically and intellectually stimulation and development of children from 0 to 5 years age in order to take advantage of the their ages where they are able to learn in a more optimal way.
By carrying out the entire program, children create a very thick neural network that allows them to develop with maximum potential and helps them in the future to learn from other concepts.
The learning stimulation program is developed by rich environments and provocations, which vary depending on their evolution as they grow, where learning opportunities are very wide.
We work through games and leisure activities, we experiment in different areas such as mathematics, geography, music, reading as well as social skills, and important figures in history or artists. In addition, we focus on the control of physical psychomotor skills and body autonomy at the level of coordination, balance and breathing.
Attention to diversity
The early years of life are an especially important stage for the development of perceptual, motor, cognitive and social skills. That is why the Department of Psychopedagogical Guidance
(DOPP)aims to detect possible difficulties to develop, and if necessary, a set of compensatory actions, which facilitate the maximum personal development of the child in all areas.
The school context is totally different from the one the kid has at home. That is why it is so important that the teacher knows how to identify any difficulties in the evolutionary process of the children or some mismatch that may be typical of age and that can easily go unnoticed by parents. From the
DOPP we work together with the tutor in identifying these needs.
The challenges of children where we include the learning of reading and writing are gradually increasing in difficulty. The evolution of each child is different, which is why the DOPP advises families before any query to help them differentiate between what is normal due to their age or what is a difficulty that must be worked on.
The webpage is open for the order from August 29 to September 4. After these dates, you cannot modify anything or order new orders.
Procediment per l’adquisició dels llibres de text i el material escolar que necessitaran els vostres fills/es el proper curs 2024-25.
Us recordem, tal com us vam informar a principis d'aquest curs, que l'equipació esportiva per tots els alumnes és obligatòria de cara al curs 2022-23.
Apunta les dates:
INFANTIL I PRIMÀRIA - Del 6 al 20 de març
SECUNDÀRIA - Del 8 al 20 de març
Between June 27 and July 29 and as in previous years it will be in ENGLISH.