Night Baccalaureate

From 16 to 18 years old


The evening teachings of Baccalaureate are mainly aimed at people who are intensely dedicated to the world of sports, music or dance as well as people who are currently immersed in the job market.

According to the indications and / or regulations of the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia to study the Baccalaureate in this option it is necessary to meet two requirements: to be 18 years or older, or to have an age between 16 and 18 years and to prove that for work reasons or those already mentioned sports, dance or music that at the discretion of the School Council justify it, are faced with the impossibility of studying in a daytime regime.


After 16 years. From 18 if justification is accredited


From 17h to 21h


Humanistic, social, technological and scientific.


Two courses of 20 teaching and face-to-face hours + 2 subjects through IOC


English, Catalan and Spanish.


  • Achieve the Baccalaureate degree adapted to the face-to-face possibilities of the students.
  • Offer the student the techniques and cognitive procedures necessary to be able to adapt properly to the beginning of subsequent studies.
  • Provide resources for the student to analyze their preferences and abilities in an appropriate frame of reference with appropriate guidance.
  • Contribute to the personal development of the student and the incorporation into adult life in a satisfactory way.
  • Consolidate content and work methodologies so that students assume a series of skills necessary for academic and human development.


In the Baccalaureate we work on projects where we promote learning in a transversal and autonomous way so that knowledge and different experiences are connected.

At this stage we introduce methodological changes within the classroom such as:

  • Digital whiteboards in classrooms.
  • Use of Apps by mobile devices (tablets or computers) that favor dynamic and creative learning by both the student and the teacher.
  • Platforms such as: Good grades, Moodel, Intranet, facilitate the sharing of materials and information research.


Currently Lleó XIII offers the following options:

  • Scientific
  • Technological
  • Humanistic
  • Social science

Projecte SIngular Escola Lleó XIII

Academic and professional opportunities

Having the Baccalaureate degree gives you access to:

  • University, once the entrance exams have been passed.
  • Training cycle of higher degree of professional training or a training cycle of higher degree of plastic arts and design.
  • Higher level sports education, if you have the access requirements.
  • Higher degree of artistic education once passed a specific entrance test.
  • Job market.

Escola Lleó XIII


Call us and schedule an interview in order to know our educational project and visit our building.

Schedule an interview for the following course at Lleó XIII School.

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