Cultural and Performing Arts Club

In Lleó XIII we consider important to develop physically and mentally. For this reason, we propose a series of activities that will help you discover other forms of expression to complement your training. This year we offer:


Through art, plastic arts and crafts we want to develop the imagination, creativity and fine motor skills of our students, essential qualities in these early stages. With this proposal we want to try to exploit the artist they have inside.

Monday and Wednesday from 17h15 to 18h15

MUSIC – P4 & p5 / from 1st to 6th grade of primary school

Our proposal is directed to make a rhythmic and structural work through the body, an introduction to the knowledge of musical concepts through playful adventures and practical collective classes of different instruments.

Wednesday from 14h to 15h (Kindergarten)

Tuesday from 1pm to 2pm (1st, 2nd and 3rd primary)

Thursday from 14h to 15h (4th, 5th and 6th primary)

JAZZ (Menchu Duran) – P4 & p5 / from 1st to 6th grade of primary school

We offer classes where through fun, the student improves considerably. Levels according to ages and abilities, always respecting friendship and intentions of the students. Each level wears a different color uniform, with the aim of motivating and enhancing the union and team feeling.

Thursday from 17h to 18h30 (kindergarten and primary)

THEATRE –  from 3rd to 6th grade of primary school and from 1st to 4th year of ESO

With this activity we work on emotional expression, improvisation and interpretation. At the end of the course the students will make a sample of what has been worked on throughout the course.

Tuesday and Friday from 14h to 15h (primary)

Wednesday from 13h30 to 14h30 and Friday from 17h to 18h (Secondary Education)