Once again, we would like to share some pictures of the food your children had this week during lunch service. Today, Friday 9th of February, the menu consisted on cauliflower and potato, spaghetti with vegetable bolognese sauce and cheese, and season fruit.
Fruits and vegetable are a key feature of a healthy diet. These are foods rich in vitamins, minerals, water, fibre, and other beneficial substances. Also, they contain very little fats and calories.
Cauliflower is a vegetable that belongs to the cabbage family. The part of the vegetable that is eaten is the flower, as it is what has the most flavour. Cauliflower can be consumed both raw and cooked. It is a very good source of important minerals and vitamins. It also has fibre and a low caloric count. The cauliflower comes from the Oriental Mediterranean regions, more specifically Menor Asia, Lebanon and Siria. In ancient times, cauliflower was not used as a food source. Instead, it was used as medicine to treat some illnesses such as headache or diarrhoea. Roman’s where the first ones to cultivate cauliflower.
Potatoes are, aside from flavourful, lighter and more nutritious than what it was originally thought to be. As we have mentioned in previous posts, potatoes are a crop planted around the world. The consumption of potatoes is not only for humans, as they are also used as animal feed. Considering the great number of countries in which the potato is the main crop, this vegetable can be found all year round.
Did you know? Boiling food is the oldest way to cook food, our ancestors used the method over an open fire.
Finally, the pasta was paired with a bolognese made with vegetable protein. This is a rather attractive way to have children who may not be too convinced about vegetable, yet.
Remember that you can check and download the month’s menu at Clickedu using your username and password and choose lunch under the service bloc. Also, you can check it out at the following link:
https://lleoxiii.com/serveis#service-6 For any queries you can contact us at comunicacio@lleoxiii.com