
Són diversos els departaments i/o serveis que té l’Escola i que serveixen per complementar o reforçar el Projecte Educatiu de Lleó XIII. Aquests serveis són considerats com a moments que ens permeten treballar valors i actituds molt importants pel procés maduratiu de l’alumne.



The Department of Psychopedagogical Orientation (DOPP) works as support for the teaching team in the task of detecting and attending to diversity, to offer an adequate response to the educational needs of all students. It is also a support for the students and for their families.

Further Information

Samanta Biosca


We offer a personal therapy service, aimed at older students and their families, providing an orientation that originates internal reflections and in this way understand how they are and how we function at a rational and emotional level. Using different approaches such as NLP,  Enneagram,  Gestalt and Coaching, we work on how to face dissatisfaction, understood as the distance between how we live and how we would like to live.

Samanta Biosca is a professional in the educational field of secondary school with more than 24 years of experience. She has a degree in Catalan Philology. He completed the Master’s degree in coaching accredited by the  ICF. He has training in NLP and training in  Gestalt therapy at the Gestalt Institute.

Logopèdia Escola Lleó XIII

Speech Therapy

Lleó XIII has a speech therapy service in which speech and language difficulties are treated in children and adults as well as voice dysfunctions. We do:

  • Speech therapy  and psychopedagogical re-education for students with speech and language problems as well as voice dysfunctions.
  • Neuropsychological evaluations  to assess emotional, behavioral or learning problems with standardized tests and tests.

Carolina Zamora is a registered speech therapist since 2008, specializing in learning difficulties. She has a diploma in teaching at the Ramon Llull University in the specialties of Early Childhood Education, Primary and Foreign Language and studied a Master’s degree in learning difficulties at the University of Vic.

escola lleó xiii


Lleó XIII offers a wide range of training and sports activities:

  • Sports Club: Sports Initiation,  baby tennis, tennis, football, basketball and ioga.
  • Club cultural and performing arts:  theater,  jazz and music.
  • Robotics.

Further Information

Summer Camp

The Summer camp is held annually. It is a proposal that gives preference to the students of the Lleó XIII School, but it is open to the whole neighborhood, family and friends with whom you want to share this experience.


Instal·lacions Escola Lleó XIII

Dining Room

Lleó XIII has its own kitchen and offers the dining service annually or punctually. With the aim of offering a healthy and quality diet, the menus are prepared by our cooks with the advice of dietitians and endocrinologists following the following criteria:

  • Proximity product.
  • Fresh product.
  • Mediterranean diet.
  • Balanced diet.

In addition, we offer menus adapted to athletes and they cover special needs such as intolerances or allergies. The dining service is an educational space 100% in English integrated into the School’s project and therefore, the monitors take advantage of this time to work on food education, hygiene and socialization habits.




Servei Acollida i permanència

Caring Service

The caring service takes place at the tower and covers all the courses from Kindergarten to ESO in the following schedule:

  • Morning from 7:30am to 9am
  • Afternoon from 5pm to 6:30 pm

Students can advance homework or play under the supervision of monitors.