Associació de Famílies d'Alumnes

CONFERENCE: Children, Hyperparenting and anxiety

Anxiety disorders are, according to the OMS, the most common mental disorders in children and adolescents. In the talk, this anxiety will be discussed, which has skyrocketed in recent years, due to factors such as the pandemic or overprotective parenting. Eva will explain the most common symptoms of this anxiety, how to treat it and will give us parents tips to detect and prevent it, as well as how to build our confidence and that of our children.

By Eva Millet, author of the best seller “Hyperpaternity, from the furniture model to the altar model”

When? Tuesday, May 7 from 5:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.

Where? LLeó XIII School Auditorium (c/LLeó XIII, 16)

Escola Lleó XIII

Who are we?

AFA is the Students’ Families Association: an organization that involves parents as well as the school management, the pedagogical principal, and the teachers aiming to improve the school and the children’s education.


What do we do?

AFA has as its main objective promoting parents’ participation and representation in the school management, along with cooperating in the school activities as well as offering services. In conclusion, contributing to the education quality improvement our kids are getting and always collaborating with the school management, the pedagogical director, and the teachers.



Our objectives are:

  • Support and assistance to all the members and overall, all the families, tutors, teachers, the students and their government bodies and participation in everything related to our children’s education.
  • Promote families’ participation in the activities and life of the school.
  • Encourage participation and representation in the School Board.
  • Facilitate family’s cooperation with the school in terms of social, educative, cultural, and economic.
  • Cooperate in the educational activities of the school in conjunction with the School Board making guidelines to plan extracurricular activities and services.
  • Collaborate in the families’ education activities, not only from the cultural angle but also to the specific responsibility of the family education itself.

Educació Primària Escola Lleó XIII

Why a family association?

The family’s involvement in the education process of their children is as important as their academic studies and their emotional development, that means in the comprehensive training of the student.

Families and teachers have an essential role in the development of social and cognitive abilities, besides other aspects such as creativity or moral growth. For this reason, working together and at the same time boosts the school adaptation of the kids and their personal growth.

The Association Board is the families’ voice, a channel for suggestions, complaints, and parents’ contributions to the education community.

Escola Lleó XIII


Contact us if you have any suggestion, idea, or complaint through our email address

We will deal with all these issues in the monthly board meetings.

We look forward to your participation!