International Day against Bullying – May 2

14 de May de 2022

May 2nd, the International Day against Bullying is celebrated and at the school we wanted to give visibility to this initiative in the media.

For some years now, the school and the Affinity Foundation, has been promoting a pioneering program to promote respect among students through animal therapies. This initiative that is called Respect me has been taught throughout this course with the students of 6th grade of primary school and those of 3rd ESO. The goals are encourage respect and prevent bullying at school: participating children develop social skills such as respect and equality between people. Therefore, this activity is mandatory.

Last Monday, May 2nd, the International Day against Bullying was celebrated and at the school we wanted to give visibility to this initiative in the media by inviting them to attend a session at the school where we worked on training and collaborative work with 6th graders.

The call was a great success. Journalists from Catalunya Ràdio, RNE, Telecinco, Antena 3, Cope, TeleMadrid came … We even did a live show with Antena 3’s Espejo Público program.

Bullying is a problem that unfortunately many children, teenagers and young people experience and that causes a sense of helplessness, vulnerability and insecurity in the student. For this reason, it is important to promote actions of awareness, prevention, detection and intervention aimed at students to educate in the face of conflicts and possible situations of harassment.

We share with you some pictures.


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