One more week we share with you photographs of the food that your sons and daughters enjoyed at midday. Last Wednesday, March 13, your sons and daughters were able to enjoy a menu made of rice with tomato sauce, turkey stew with carrots and peas and natural yogurt.
The etymology of the word rice in our language comes from the Arabic أرز, Ar-ruzz, since it was this civilization that introduced this crop originally from Asia to the Iberian Peninsula, during the 7th and 8th centuries AD.
Most rice is pre-polished to free it from the protective coating (which becomes bran), thereby removing oils and enzymes from the rice. The result is a grain of rice that remains stable for years. Today, it is the staple food in many countries and not only in Asia, but also in some countries in Latin America and Africa, since this cereal became of great importance when it reached these continents through European colonization.
In the nutritional field, it is a cereal rich in carbohydrates such as starch, while also having a high protein content and a lower fat content. It does not contain gluten, so it is an absolutely permitted food for people who suffer from celiac disease.
Rice can be accompanied by almost any ingredient and can be cooked in multiple ways, sautéed, steamed, wok, boiled, baked… and when it comes to consuming it we can do it as a single or main dish, as in the case of a frying pan or in garnishes, salads, and also in desserts such as rice in milk.
Did you know…? In ancient times, for eastern cultures, rice symbolized life, fertility and the joy of living, hence the tradition of throwing rice to the bride and groom. Its applications are multiple in cooking and also for cosmetics, medicines, paper, fabrics, etc
The turkey is a bird (Meleagris gallopavo) of the order Galiformes of the family Phasianidae. Its plumage is a bronze-brown color with white spots at the ends of the wings and tail, and the head and neck are knotted. The word “dindi” refers to its origin, since the domestic varieties are native to Mexico and the United States.
The meat of this bird is considered one of the healthiest meats that exist, because it is characterized by having a low fat and cholesterol content, and therefore, it is an ideal food to consume and maintain good physical and nutritional status.
Turkey meat has a high water content which makes it a food that provides few calories. It has two types of meat, red on its lower extremities, thighs and hams, and white on its chest and wings. Most of the fat is under the skin, not between the mackerel, therefore it can be easily removed. The low amount of cholesterol facilitates its digestibility, being a light food with an important protein value and a high content of essential amino acids that the body needs.
Carrot is one of the foods that contains the most beta-carotene (provitamin A), a powerful antioxidant that has many beneficial properties for the body. Carrots also stand out for the large amount of silicon they have compared to other vegetables, an essential mineral for the body due to its role in calcium metabolism and strengthens connective tissue. It also has a lot of iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium and folic acid.
Peas are small legume vegetables that are full of specific vitamins for the proper functioning of the nervous system and can even help us overcome nervousness and maintain a more positive mood. Peas are one of the foods richest in group B vitamins. Group B vitamins are water-soluble, that is, they dissolve in water and, therefore, are easy to eliminate through urine; That is why it is advisable to take it daily, because we do not have the capacity to store them.
Remember that you can check and download the month’s menu at Clickedu using your username and password and choose lunch under the service bloc. Also, you can check it out at the following link:
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