School pre-enrollment Academic year 2022-23
In this section you can find all the information related to the school pre-registration process for the 2022-23 academic year.
Any questions you can contact us by email at or by phone at 93 417 50 02
Pre-enrollment dates:
- Nursery: open enrollment. To fill places. Face-to-face process at the school.
- Kindergarten: telematic process. From 7 to 21 March.
- Primary: telematic process. From 7 to 21 March
- Secondary: telematic process. From 9 to 21 March
- Baccalaureate: open enrollment. To fill places. Face-to-face process at the school.
Pre-registration process:
- The procedures will have to be carried out electronically through the website the Department of Education has enabled: PDF PRE-REGISTRATION GUIDE 22-23
- All applications have to be in telematic format, there is no option to submit the pre-registration form on paper.
- Documentation must not be delivered in person at the center chosen as the first option.
- Type of requests:
- Electronics: digital identification is required.
- Computer support: no digital identification.
- Presentation of applications for Kindergarten and Primary Education: from 7 to 21 March.
- Submission of documentation (not attached during the submission of applications): from 22 to 23 March
- Submission of applications for Secondary Education: from 9 to 21 March.
- Submission of documentation (not attached during the submission of applications): until March 23.
- Publication of the lists with the provisional scales: 21 April.
- Claims: from 22 to 28 April.
- Publication of the lists once the complaints have been resolved: May 3
- Raffle: May 9
- Publication of the final ordered list of Kindergarten and Primary Education: May 9
- Publication of the final ordered list Secondary Education: May 11
- Extension of pre-registration requests for students without an assigned place in any center: from May 27 to June 1.
- Publication of the lists of admitted students and if necessary, waiting list: June 10.
- Registration period: from 21 to 29 June.
Admission criteria:
Priority criteria
- Siblings enrolled in the center: 50 points
- Proximity to the centre1
- Address within the area of proximity: 30 points
- Workplace within the proximity area: 20 points
- Address to the municipality outside the area of proximity, but within the district: 15 points
- Address to the municipality: 10 points
- Beneficiary of the RMI (minimum insertion income): 15 points
Complementary criteria
- Parent or legal guardian working at the center: 10 points
- Large or single-parent family: 10 points
- Being a twin or triplet: 10 points
- Student in a situation of family care: 10 points
- Disability of the student or a relative, sibling, parent or guardian, equal to or greater than 33%: 15 points
- Victim of gender-based violence or terrorism: 10 points
The documentation accrediting both the priority and complementary criteria must be attached to the pre-registration application within the established period.
Family book or other documents relating to filiation:
If the student is in an asylum situation, it is necessary to provide the reception resolution of the Department of Social Rights.
The ID or NIE of the father, mother or guardian of the student if the application is used in computer support. If you are a foreigner, you will have to attach the passport or if you are a foreigner from a member country of the European Union, the identity document of the country of origin.
In order to justify the priority criteria for admission, the following must be submitted:
Proximity to the center
Once the application is sent, the automated consultation of the register is scheduled. This query serves to confirm the address of the family home. If the dates of the register cannot be obtained, it is necessary to prove the residence by attaching a certificate or flyer of coexistence of the student, where the address of the residence must be stated and prove that the student lives at least with the father or mother who submits the application.
Copy of the employment contract or the certificate issued by the company, when the residence of the place of work is alleged. If you are self-employed, it is necessary to present the tax agency form 036 or 037, which includes the address in which the activity is carried out.
Annual income of the family unit
Documentation confirming being a beneficiary of the economic benefit of the minimum insertion income (RMI).
To justify the additional admission criteria, it is necessary to submit:
Large or single-parent family
It will be validated by inter-administrative consultations when the pre-insertion request is made. Only when it is not possible to validate it or when it comes to titles issued by other autonomous communities will it be necessary to attach the title of large or single-parent family.
Being a twin or triplet
With the family book.
Student in a situation of family care
With the resolution of reception of the Department of Social Rights.
Disability of the student, parent, guardian or siblings.
It will be validated through inter-administrative consultations. If it is not possible or if it is a disability recognized by other autonomous communities, it is necessary to present the certificate or the disability accreditation card issued by the Department of Social Rights or the competent bodies in other autonomous communities. You can also attach the document that proves that you have a permanent disability pension of total degree or of great disability, or the corresponding certificate of the passive classes that have recognized a retirement pension or retirement for permanent disability for service or uselessness.
Victim of gender-based violence or terrorism
Judicial sentence of any jurisdictional order, the current protection order, or the report of the social services or the certificate that accredits the status of victim of terrorism issued by the General Sub directorate of Support for Victims of Terrorism of the Ministry of the Interior.
As every procedure is done electronically, it is necessary to scan or photograph all the documents ordered on both sides and have them available on the device from which you are going to fill out the pre-registration form to be able to attach them.
You will find all the detailed information on the website of the Department of Education
Recommendations / Additional information:
- Have photographed or scanned the documentation on the same device from where the request will be made.
- Ask your current school for the Student Identification Number (IDALU) in order to join the application to your academic and personal file.
- Our center code is 08005412, you will need it to indicate which center you want to pre-register.
- It is very important to respect the dates marked, if the application or documentation is delivered later all the rights of affiliation are lost with the risk of being left without the place.