On October 17th the first trimester project started. And on Decembre the 14th, together with the Christmas Carols showcase, we wanted to share with you all the things we have learned.
This first trimester project was all about sustainability and values. On October 17th, students entered the Tower’s hall and found it all decorated to fit with the theme.

Through the trimester, students have been working on the project. They have used various methodologies of cooperative work, with which your children have been able to self-regulate their learning process.

During this trimester, students have learned in a hands-on, rigorous approach about values and respect, not only to others but also to oneself and the planet.

Once the project has finished, and taking advantage of these festive dates, we invited you to see the festive decorations and to tell you all about the learning journey y our children have gone on.

The learning celebration coincided with the Christmas Carol showcase in the main building. During many weeks, students practiced hard to show their true talent and goodness were they amazing!

We hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Check our social media accounts for more info. Follow us on:
- Instagram: @lleoxiiischool
- Instagram: @kindergarten_lleoxiiischool
- Facebook: escolalleoxiii