Lleó XIII School is a certified private school with an educational offer ranging from kindergarten to baccalaureate and CFs of mid and superior grades.
Last week, students from levels 1 and 2 of the Football CF went to ‘Ciutat Esportiva Dani Jarque’, the RCD Espanyol sports facilities. There, students were able to watch a juvenile A training session.
Afterwards, students partook on a talk by Pol Garcia, the Methodologies director of the football club, on how the club works. Here are some pictures!
At Lleó XIII School we have variety of CFs of mid and superior level. Take a look:
- CFGM Alpine Sky
- CFGM Snowboard
- CFGM Football
- CFGS Web Development
- CFGS Football + English
- CFGS Marketing and publicity
Also, this coming academic year two more CFs Will be added to the list:
- CFGS Early Education
- CFGS Clinical and Medic laboratory
If you want further information send us an email to coordinacio.cicles@lleoxiii.com
Check our Social Media accounts! Follow us on
- Instagram: @lleoxiiischool
- Instagram: @kindergarten_lleoxiiischool
- Facebook: escolalleoxiii