On Tuesday October the 31st we celebrated Castanyada and Halloween at school. It was a fun-filled day for all grades alike: from pre-school to secondary school. Students enjoyed a day full of activities planed by both teachers and students. Do not miss today’s post with a brief summary of the activities carried out by each section:
At PRE-SCHOOL, K1 and K2 students experimented with the different objects that they had brought to school. Moreover, we were visited by the 6th grade students, who sang songs to us about Halloween. Finally, Castanyera visited us. Together, we sang songs and ate chestnuts.
At KINDERGARTEN, the I3, I4 and I5 students made panellets. We have the recipe down: first, we make a small ball with the dough, and then, we mix it with whatever ingredient we like the most. Our favourite? The chocolate panellets!
At PRIMARY, students from 1st to 6th grade also made panellets and we have to admit that they were very tasty. To finish the day off, we enjoyed different activities in the playground if the Torre.
At SECUNDARY, drama students prepared a hunted house at the gym. They invited all the other secondary school students to join them for a spooky while. Even the bravest of them all were scared!
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